Unraveling the Narrative Supporting a Green Energy Transition
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- Mar 21, 2025 at 6:00 AM
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From: Climate Etc.
By: Russ Schussler
Date: February 19, 2025
Unraveling the Narrative Supporting a Green Energy Transition
The purpose of this article is to summarize and debunk many of the issues in the narrative surrounding the proposed green energy transition as applies to the electric grid. The issues are so numerous that this piece is at once both too long and too short. A full unraveling deserves a book or series of books. This posting however challenges the narrative through summary comments with links to previous posts and articles which can be read for a more detailed explanation or for greater depth.
The Narrative
Efforts to hasten a “green transition” find support in a powerful and compelling narrative. The following statements are widely believed, embraced and supported by various “experts”, a large part of the public and far too many policy makers:
- Renewable Energy can meet the electric demand of the United States and World
- Renewable Energy is economic
- Renewable Energy sources can provide reliable electric service to consumers and support the grid
- Renewable energy sources are inexhaustible and widely available
- Clean Energy resources don’t produce carbon and are environmentally neutral
- Renewable Energy Costs are decreasing over time
- It will become easier to add renewables as we become more familiar with the technologies
- The intermittency problems associated with wind and solar can be addressed through batteries.
- Inverter based generation from wind, solar and batteries can be made to perform like conventional rotating generator technology
- Battery improvements will enable the green transition
- We are at a tipping point for renewables
- Wind, Solar, and Battery technologies collectively contribute to a cleaner environment, economic growth, energy security, and a sustainable future
- The world is facing severe consequences from increased CO2 emissions.
- There will be an inevitable and necessary transition to clean economic renewables
- Green Energy will allow independence from world energy markets
- The clean grid will facilitate clean buses, trucks, tanks, planes
- The third world will bypass fossil fuels and promote global equity
- Replacing fossil fuels with green energy will have huge health benefits
- It’s all about Urgency and Action (continue reading)
Unraveling the Narrative Supporting a Green Energy Transition