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Decision 2024 - ORIGINAL CONTENT

Edward A. Reid Jr.
Posted On:
Oct 29, 2024 at 6:00 AM
Energy Policy, Climate Change

The Democrat and Republican Parties have held their National Conventions and approved their party’s platform for the 2024 presidential election.

The Democrat platform was developed prior to President Biden’s decision to end his campaign for a second term, so the platform is essentially the Biden platform, though it was adopted at the convention with the approval of Vice President Harris. The platform essentially continues and expands the Biden-Harris Administration priorities with regard to energy and climate change on both the national and international levels. Vice President Harris has not proposed any changes in direction regarding energy or climate change.

The Republican platform was developed with the knowledge that former President Trump would be the party’s nominee and it is clearly a Trump platform focused on the issues President Trump focused on during his term. The platform focuses on restoring US energy independence and pursuing US energy dominance. The platform also specifically mentions ending the EV. mandate.


Democrat Platform

Republican Platform

Climate crisis

Unleash American energy

Existential threat

“Drill, Baby, Drill”

Aggressive climate agenda

Become energy independent again

Electric grid incentive investment

Become energy dominant

Speed environmental review

Cancel EV mandate

Speed clean energy permitting

Cut costly regulations

Scale up clean energy on public lands

Lift production restrictions

Advanced Research Projects Agency

Reduce China dependence

New national lab for climate research


Lower energy costs

Trump – Expressed/Implied

Cheaper, cleaner energy

End Green New Deal

Clean energy jobs

End Net Zero goals

Invest in transportation infrastructure

End the “all-electric everything”

Electrify vehicle fleets

End renewable subsidies

Expand public transit

End LNG terminal halt

Electrify ports and waterways

Halt IRA spending

Zero emissions freight goal

Unleash energy production

Eliminate oil and gas subsidies

Unleash nuclear energy

Pursue environmental justice

Speed leasing and permitting

Justice 40 Initiative

Lower energy prices

Greenhouse gas reduction fund

Refocus climate science research

Million solar rooftops (low income)

Exit Paris Accords

Cancel Arctic leases

Exit UN Green Climate Fund

Global climate leadership

Resist UN “loss and damage


The two parties have laid out very different future paths. The Democrat path is focused on climate change and environmental justice. The Republican path is focused on energy independence and reducing restrictive regulations.

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”, Yogi Berra, American Philosopher


Choose wisely.