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Blue/Green New Deal #6

Edward A. Reid Jr.
Posted On:
Jun 23, 2020 at 6:00 AM
Climate Change
Green New Deal Presser 2/7/19Photo by Senate Democrats


Government Under the Blue/Green New Deal


1. Housing, Buildings, Civic Infrastructure, and Communities

Expanded LIHEAP funding

Green New Deal for Public Housing Act (public housing retrofits)

Public procurement of building materials and appliances

Indian Country housing retrofits

Federal / State investment in rent-controlled housing

Federal zoning regulations to expand dense and affordable housing

National green rental subsidy

Federally backed green mortgage lending

Public Housing Operating Fund

Fund out-of-work artists through Smithsonian and NEA

Climate Justice Resiliency Fund

Office of Climate Resiliency for People with Disabilities


2. Transportation Workers, Systems and Infrastructure

Federal direct transfers to local transit authorities

Equitable Transit Oriented Development (affordable housing)

Partnership for Sustainable Communities

Grants and no-interest loans to transit authorities for ADA and Complete Streets

“Fix It First” mandate for infrastructure and public works projects


3. Labor, Manufacturing and Just Transition for Workers and Communities

Federal fund to support formation of worker cooperatives

Funding to support opportunities for low income women


4. Energy System Workers and Infrastructure

All clean energy tax credits immediately deployable

Protect “right” of clean energy workers to unionize / incentivize worker ownership


5. Farmers, Food Systems and rural Communities

Strengthen organic standards

Reform agricultural subsidies to small producers

Re-staff and fully fund USDA science office

Re-staff and fully fund EPA science offices

Re-staff and fully fund Agriculture Extension offices

Support regenerative agriculture and ocean culture

Establish food supply management programs

Living wage for food chain workers

Empower USDA to address “food deserts”

Support International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (UN FAO)

Reparations for Black and Indigenous farmers

Federally backed land trust

Incentivize community and cooperatively owned farmland

Make government owned farmland available as incubator farms

Support shift toward healthy food consumption

Classify farmers markets as “essential services”

Farm Service Agency issue no-interest, no-match loans to small family farmers

Secure “rights” of migrant and permanent resident workers to healthcare, food and shelter


6. Green Infrastructure, Public Lands and the Environment

Create Clean Water Corps – sewer and storm water system repairs

Create Civilian Conservation Corps

Create green infrastructure maintenance jobs

National Parks Service fully funded and directed to clear project backlog

US Forest Service fully funded and directed to clear project backlog

US Army Corps of Engineers fully funded and directed to clear project backlog

HUD, DOT and EPA fully funded and directed to develop parks and open space plans

New permanent funding for HUD, DOT, EPA, to manage stimulus projects


7. Regulations, Innovation and Public Investment

Federal Reserve Bank Act to make green bonds secure as Treasury Bills

Large corporation bailouts and bridge loans require:

  • economic, social and ecological conditions
  • 10-year plan to cut majority of carbon pollution
  • government gets equity position
  • funds must be used to maintain payroll
  • $15 minimum wage within 1 year
  • no share buybacks or dividends
  • labor representative board seats
  • maintain collective bargaining agreements

Departments of Energy and Treasury assume larger share of decarbonization financial risks

SEC Office of Credit Ratings require climate due diligence

EPA becomes cabinet department

NOAA becomes cabinet department

Government green procurement – include project-labor or prevailing wage requirements

Federally backed bridge loan support to “green” firms

Increased ARPA-E funding (up to100x)

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Office of Science funding

State-owned public banks fund community low carbon infrastructure


8. Green Foreign Policy

Science Envoy Program reinstated.

Prioritized aid packages for countries which adopt 1.5C roadmaps

Remove agriculture from purview of the World Trade Organization

Food supply classified as national security issue

Trade policies safeguard food security and sovereignty globally



Government at all levels becomes larger, more expensive, more intrusive and more socialist. Federal government becomes more globalist. American liberty and freedom are progressively limited.